
Showing posts from September, 2011

SexCult: My Celebri-Crush on Depardieu + the not-so-mainstream stars people love to love

A few weeks ago Gerard Depardieu peed in public on an aircraft and made me the happiest person on my block because it kept Gerard Depardieu in the news for a long time. I don't get to see him in movies often enough and there's something about him...animal magnetism, maybe, or just a feeling of undiluted masculinity, but whatever it is, Gerard Depardieu, to me, is about the sexiest celebrity the celebrity industry has offered up in quite some time.       And I know he's a little atypical as far as that kind of thing goes...he's old enough to remember when turntables weren't just for DJs, he doesn't look like he gives a damn about the gym, he is in a particular elite (an Oscar nominee, fergodssake) but doesn't seem to be of it. Anyway, ruminating about why one person strikes us as so viscerally sexy at a particular time and what other non-People's-25-Sexiest celebs were on other people's dreamboat list are the subject of this week's in SexC

Catching up with Sex Feed....and my stolen (and recovered) car

      SO, it's been a couple of weeks since I've been home from Canada. I wasn't re-acclimating toFlorida all that well to tell you the truth. I had really missed my friends and so I felt like  Ed Grimley at Christmas  when I got to see them (plus it's always good to give people a chance to miss you), but I was still on Pacific time, missing the very bearable lightness of travel, the beauty of Canada, the wonderful company and still had that buzz you get from a change of scene. Then my car got stolen.       And I knew I was home.       The spiffy thing is that the Orlando Police Department found it two days later, unharmed, in a parking lot not two miles away from my house. Evidently the thieves, realizing it had no gas and no A/C and they had stolen from someone more poor than themselves just ditched it. My friend Rich Torres in Brooklyn swears Casey Anthony "borrowed" it which is actually kind of a scary thought. Chas says if it had happened in Canada it

Why I'm Here: cuz God is a Scottish Drag Queen

If you’re going to go up into a place called the Cariboo Mountains, the very last thing you’d probably expect to find is a bunch of actors. The very idea is uncomfortably close to a scene in a Douglas Adams book, or a Monty Python sketch. Mountains, moose and … musicals?  But in Wells, deep in the interior of British Columbia, this actually makes sense -- because not far away from this sweet little town is Barkerville, a “living museum”-type historic gold rush town where you can see how people lived in 1870. For this, you need scads of  actors -- so while Wells doesn’t have a grocery store, a liquor store or regular hours of any kind, it’s up to its armpits in thespians AND it has it’s own playhouse, The Sunset Theater, which brings us, sort of, to what the heck I’m doing here. Why would an indoorsy girl like myself trudge into a place where you might encounter moose or bears? A place where, when you hold your cell phone to your ear expecting service, you just hear the

Going up into the mountains/ catching up with MyPleasure

We kept seeing signs for "cariboo" and I thought, oh, that's cute, it's like a little regional inside joke, a play in the spelling of the kind of animals we might see here, caribou, moose, deer...all of which we were warned might decide to play "Frogger" with us, especially on the last leg of the trip.       Nope! We are actually in   Cariboo , which is an independent regional district in the BC interior and about as beautiful a place as you can imagine. I horked this map and photo from the website of the  Hubs Motel  in Wells, BC, the comfy little inn where we are staying. Hubs has a fine fish and chips stand in front of it (also run by the owners, who cannot have been nicer to us), so Chas has declared this is heaven.        After being confined to the car for so long yesterday I'm anxious to get out and see where Chas, Mike and I we traveled to, so more info on all this tomorrow.        In the meantime I'm still on the job, so I wanted to

Happy Birthday, Freddie

Freddie Mercury would have turned 65 today. I know a lot of people will write about him more eloquently than I can; I'm just hugely grateful to have found so much inspiration, joy, connection, magic and comfort from the same person - and group of people working together - for most of my life and on into the future. So here are some excellent showcases....of the evolution of talent... ...a compilation of some super old and not-as-old footage... And memories, like the iron-on part of my Queen t-shirt from (about) 1976 (the shirt fell apart) I even still have some of the 45s... and the cover from the sheet music for Night at the Opera  (though both the music and piano are long away) Oh, what the more video for the road (literally, because in six hours I head to the interior of British Columbia). One of my favorite Freddie Mercury masterpieces...makes me feel like a millionaire.

It's the little differences...

Oh, Canada.