Halloween costumes and Steampunk fashion

       Yes! It’s finally here! That snap in the air! That crisp scent! The realization that you just walked out of your house and weren’t dripping with sweat and defeat after three minutes! It’s October!

       Well, at least it felt like it yesterday and I’m going to accept it as the kick off of the holiday season: costumes, candy, parties, presents, TV specials, boots, houndstooth, closed-toed shoes, pie and a reason to wear stockings outside of the house.

       And the best of the holidays is the first, Halloween, best because you get to wear the most outrageous outfits and no one can say Boo. It’s the time of year everyone can pretend to be something they’re not – so, as a wise person once said, it’s the same as the rest of the year, but with more candy.        
           Fairvilla Megastore is already packed to the rafters with amazing costumes – here are a few pics from the Cocoa Beach store of the fuschia geisha, the lay-der-hosen girl, the belly dancer and the Egyptian princess, modeled by the most 1972, Frederick’s of Hollywood mannequin (whore-equinsns, as some call ‘em) on earth, and finally Vinnie, the store manager decked out as a celebrity chef (you will be expected to bring chocolate salty balls to the party if you wear this, you know that, right?)


     One thing I noticed in the Orlando store were a lot of top hats, veiled hats – Victorian-era/Sweeny Todd/pirate kinda stuff that I find seriously alluring and thought it was just vampire chic. Come to find out in a whole different, unrelated conversation that there’s a whole genre of fashion called Steampunk that I’d never even heard of before, though I’ve seen shades of it, a kind of psychotic carnival blend of Victorian/Edwardian/punk/fetish/goth that I think is the hottest thing to come along since vinyl. Here's a video giving a little explanation of this hyper-alluring style blend, in which the Victorian era is re-imagined with all the technologies we have today or, vice versa, today’s technologies deconstructed and given a steam-era hand-crafted aesthetic.

       Good potential Halloween stuff, but one of my new goals is to construct a life where I can afford the time and money to dress like this every day…and nobody gets to say a word. 


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