Yeesht! Preventing Yeast Infections

       Hours spent in gyms, malls and salons, getting clipped, fit and outfitted – all of it won’t matter much if, when it comes time to actually have the sex you’re primping for, you didn’t put a few minutes into preventing a yeast infection.
       Owie! Yuck! Nothing’s worse than looking forward to a night of passion and suddenly getting that little itch that may be telling you something.
        “Yeast loves heat darkness moisture and sugar so its no wonder they’re happy growing in vaginas,” says Sheri Winston , sexuality teacher and counselor, nurse midwife, author and founder of the Center for the Intimate Arts. Sugar aids and abets yeast and a lot of women get yeast infections when they’re on vacation – “they drink margaritas, eat desserts, go to the beach, have lots of sex,” all creating a prime atmosphere for yeast to thrive (the moisture, friction, semen and contraceptives that come with sex can be contributing conditions as well).

Most of us can tell by the pain, itching and burning that we have a problem and though I’ve seen an over-the-counter test is advertised Sheri says that if there’s ANY chance of it being an STD you should go to a health care provider and be sure. 
       “Sometimes chlamydia , gonorrhea and even herpes can mimic yeast,” says Sheri and undiagnosed STD “can damage your fertility for the rest of your life. That’s why I’m always on the “Let’s just test ya!”side.
       The best way to avoid yeast infections is to let that coochie breathe – avoid tight jeans, pantyhose, synthetic underwear and flavored lubes, which often contain glycerin (sugar). Sheri recommends bringing two bathing suits to the beach or pool so you always have a dry one to wear. “When you’re home or in a private place a skirt with no panties is a great thing -- if you can get away with it out in the world, go for it!”
       Sheri also cites “excessive American hygiene” as creating conditions for vaginal infections by wiping out the good bacteria in our vaginas. Anti-biotics can kill good bacteria – if you’re on them Sheri recommends counter-balancing with oral and vaginal probiotics. She recommends using no soap at all inside the vagina, just water from a hand-held shower massager “for hygiene and pleasure” and avoiding douching and perfumy soaps and bubble baths.
       On a personal note: a clinician once told me to dry off those nether regions after a shower or bath with a blow dryer which I’ve always done – on “cool” of course – and managed to avoid yeast infections in Florida for many years.
       If you’re on one of those wonderful, fabulous, devoutly-to-be-wished rounds of lots of sex she recommends at least a brief hygienic rinse with a shower massager between bouts and also to develop the habit of peeing after sex. Pre-moistoned wipes, she confirms, will do the trick to, but always buy organic – not the harsher commercial varieties.
     Knowing what Sheri calls your vaginal ecology is the best way to prevent infection – the minute something doesn’t feel right, if you detect itching, swelling or discomfort that might become an infection, you can try one of Sheri’s Kitchen Witch recipes, natural remedies for restoring your natural balance. One she highly recommends is:
Vagina Vinaigrette Cream
Use the following recipe as a cream for vaginal insertion using an applicator. Use this at the very first sign of imbalance. This can also be combined with a vaginal medication.
1 Tablespoon plain organic yogurt with live cultures
Empty 1 capsule of acidophilus powder into mixture
Add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar
Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide
Insert with an applicator into the vagina right before bed. You will be drippy! Just accept it. Don’t use pads or tampons. If you need to, put a towel down on your bed.
Continue for 2 nights after symptoms resolve. 
It’s not something you want to do all the time just when you feel out of sorts. More of Sheri’s Kitchen Witch recipes will be available in an upcoming eBook and you can keep track of her classes and other info here:
       If you do end up with a yeast infection there is a prescription oral medication called Diflucan, which lets you out of the messiness of Monistat-type creams. If you do go the cream route, Sheri says, generic is fine and also try “the longer course because the medicine itself can be irritating.” The shorter the course the stronger the medication and if you’re sensitive that strong medication can be painful – I once did the overnight course and ending up feeling like one of those cartoon characters who has to find a barrel of water to sit in after getting their butt blown off with TNT.
       This may not happen to you, of course, but if you have the time, opt for gentleness.
         The first and most important element in great sex is good health – the better you feel the better you and your partner can make each other feel. So if you want to have the hottest summer you can, a little prevention can go a long, long way.


  1. You betcha! But the first thing to know in order to detect this would be to know the symptoms.


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