The Naked Truth

       The day finally arrived, the day I’d been so happily gearing up for, the day that the Guinness World Record Organization would tally the number of people swimming naked at nudist resorts all over North America at 3pm EST on July 11. It was a crystal clear Saturday afternoon and 403 people turned out at Cypress Cove in Kissimmee, myself included, to show the world our true colors – which turned out to be mostly all-over-tan. The full tally will be ready in a few weeks.
       “Is that you in the back to the right with the glasses? Nicely done!” wrote my photographer Orlando's Miriam Lorenzi who did the story for Metromix and took the photos (like the one above) which would help hundreds of us remember becoming part of a world record.
       What I loved most about the experience wasn’t just the camaraderie or the fun and certainly wasn’t standing waist-deep in a Florida lake so hot and brown I felt like a lump of sugar in a big cup of English Breakfast tea. It was gearing up for the event by going to Cypress Cove a lot beforehand and enjoying thoroughly unique relaxation in their pool, restaurant, boutique and by the lake shore, relaxation I usually have to have a couple of beers or a remarkable romantic experience or anaesthesia to get. In writing about the experience for (the story should be out soon) it occurred to me that right now, when we all feel as though we’ve gone through the looking glass and landed in a world we no longer understand, that the simplest pleasures – sun, water and great company– are more important than ever.
       Either that or I’m just getting old and that would be okay, too. I have my eye on a retirement trailer in the nudie park.        


  1. omg, how do you do that without feeling stared at? I mean, I know everybody else there is nude too, so maybe it's OK?

    It's just, I get leered at constantly, even when I'm wearing a blouse that buttons to the neck and a long gray nun skirt. Big Boobs and the men who love them seem to be impervious to disguise.

    So if I had those bad girls out there, bouncing around for all the world to see?

    Not trying to sound conceited, but I can't imagine the grabby fingers wouldn't be hot on my, er, heels....


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