Accidental Health Advice, post Project-Runway

       Except for the presence of the iconic and ever-wise Tim Gunn, this season’s Project Runway has been a bit of a let-down in my fashionista book. The contestants are certainly talented, but they’re so largely similar (young, beautiful, ambitious, creative, yawn) that the whole thing is about as exciting as bar soap.
       That’s probably why I’ve never stuck around to watch the PR spinoff, “Models of the Runway,” about the girls who work the clothes for us every week. In seasons past any sidebar to the joy of PR would have been an instant watch, but this year the show hasn't been interesting enough to want more; it's a going-through-the-motions thing, like when you know the relationship is over but you’re too lazy to get up and find someone else to kiss, so you take what’s next to you on the couch.
       Anyway, last night I was too lazy to get off the couch, so I did watch “Models” for awhile and actually got kind of a kick out of it, especially when PR hostess and creator Heidi Klum went to look in the refrigerator at the model’s apartment. One of the girls then owned up to eating raw garlic with a yogurt chaser.
       “That’s gross,” Heidi said, in that way she has of declaring her opinions like they’re facts, which I like about her more and more. Heidi is no dummy, but she missed an opportunity in that exchange, tan opportunity to note that any woman who is eating garlic and yogurt may very well be wisely trying to prevent getting a yeast infection.
       While it's not necessary to eat the two in tandem, the consumption of yogurt and garlic could very well help and certainly couldn’t hurt in preventing yeast infections, and and frankly, anything that helps avoid painful chemical remedies and overpriced office visits is worth a look-see. Some people even recommend the direct application of both to the effected area and this article from Wellsphere has tons of home remedy suggestions for yeast infection (I haven’t tried it, though I have applied a home-remedy yogurt mixture and think it helped). Make sure you’re eating plain yogurt with active cultures – sugary yogurts, in fact sugary foods in general, are a bad idea when trying to prevent a yeast infection, because yeast thrives on sugar.
       The health benefits of garlic are widely known and even WebMD recommends yogurt for yeast, so maybe the young lady on the show was onto something. Could it be that models are smarter than we all think?
       I think I might actually watch the next episode - in full - and find out. 


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