Happy Browsing!

       Shopping…how I miss it. We all do. I browse in stores like a ghost hovering around a kitchen, missing the pleasures of food but still wanting the scent. I’m so out-out-of-touch with retail that the day before Thanksgiving I asked a Target employee, “Will you be open on Friday?”
       Friday of course is Black Friday - today - the biggest shopping day of the year outside Xmas eve (and so named because it's hugeness propels retailers back into the black) The Washington Post predicts that more shoppers will be out today than last year -  they’ll only let some moths out of their wallets for decent-sized discounts but they’ll be out.
        And then there are those who will be working today, making some more money to get in on the tail end of the shopping day or in hopes of just staying solvent. If you're stuck at a desk like I'll be (for at least part of the day -  hell, a girl can’t do all her browsing on the web),here’s some light reading for you – a list of Top Ten Sex Scandals perpetrated by the gazillionaires (well, some of them were gazillionaires) on Wall Street and in politics, courtesy of Stock Trading to Go. At least one of them (#3 on list #2) wouldn’t be considered so scandalous now, but it’s good all damned good reading. And it’s nice to know a banker who uses investor money to buy his girlfriend new boobs gets caught. Happy Browsing!


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