Sheri Winston gets Book of the Year!!!!

Wahoooooo! So happy to see my friend Sheri Winston has been honored by her peers with her book Women's Anatomy of Arousal being named book of the year by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. The book truly is fabulous - I reviewed it on this blog awhile back. It's available locally at Fairvilla Megastore and online at Amazon and is a treasure trove of sexual secrets that aren't so secret - it's just that no one bothered to tell them to you before and finally, in Sheri, you can have one of the most awesome teachers there is.
I wrote about Sheri's classes at Florida School for Holistic Living for Alternet in one of my all-time favorite pieces Sex is Natural - So Why Are So Many People So Bad At It? and learned A LOT from her - evidently the august body of AASECT thinks you can, too. So buy the book!
I mean, I know you're a very accomplished lover and all, but there's always something new to learn and you'll be glad you did.
Congratulations, Sheri!!


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