Sex Feed: Pop the champagne!

Fabulous news - there is some sense and sanity left in Washington as evidence by the Department of Health and Human Services decides that they're going to accept the recommendation of the Institute of Medicine and decide that contraception and certain other other preventive health care should be available to women with no co-pays. You know I was worried about this issue - promoting pregnancy prevention is an important thing and not because it's a pretty alliteration, but because nearly half of U.S. pregnancies are unintended. Half! So I was concerned this would get derailed by the crazy train. I'm encouraged for both the mental and physical health of the country that it went through.

On an entirely different and repellent note we have audio tapes of Warren Jeffs instructing young girls how to please him sexually played in court and FDA warnings about a counterfeit morning-after pill.

Some Sex Feed stuff you may have missed from last week:
Photographer's copyright suit against Rihanna moves forward...a swinging church....the SCAR project promotes breast cancer awareness through black and white photos of survivors....Dan Savage makes an offer to Rick Santorum

And because you're gagging for a little fun, Rihanna, S&M: 


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