Buy my book, even though it's Casey-Anthony free!

When I was flying home to Orlando after my first book signing for Crazy Little Thing: Why Love and Sex Drive Us Mad, who was on my plane but Jeff Ashton. Of course he was. Every time I turn around I seem to see Jeff Ashton, either in person or scheduled to be at some event. He pops up around Orlando like the town is one big game of whack-a-mole. Ashton was part of the team that prosecuted Casey Anthony who was found not guilty of almost everything...a verdict people called the biggest upset since OJ. It was actually the biggest upset since the tortoise beat the hare. Ashton’s book on the case was selling furiously well. And his team lost. 
“Maybe you should write a book called The Time I Didn’t Climb Mount Kilimanjaro,” my friend Charles Martin said when I related my bitterness at the fact that Ashton’s big-budget hardback was doing so well while mine…well, let’s just say I wish I’d called it Crazy Little Thing: Why Love And Sex Drive Us Mad. PS: Casey Anthony. 
Am I jealous? Of course. My book is excellent - charmingly written, well researched and it has a higher user rating than Ashton’s. Check out a line from a user review of his book:
“At about chapter 13-16 (somewhere around there) it starts getting really good.”
You know where my book starts getting really good? In the preface. 

I’ve got nothing against Jeff Ashton personally and this isn’t to say you shouldn’t buy his book. It was written with Lisa Pulitzer, after all, and her books on Joran van der Sloot (alleged killer of Natalee Holloway) and with Elissa Wall (child bride under the Fundamentalist LDS regime of Warren Jeffs) were riveting. Truly - I’m a fan.                                                                                          So buy their book - but buy mine first. It’s filled with gripping tales and nosey interviews, including several true crime stories of people whose love lives drove them to murder and assault plus lesbian birds, sex-mad apes, circus freaks, reptilian aliens, grave-robbers and people survived soul-deadening break-ups to go on to dizzying artistic acclaim . It also gets into the science of why we do the mad things we do in love, so if your romantic life is troubled it will make you feel less alone….and even if your romantic life is as smooth as an egg you’ll be fabulously entertained.

   That’s because my book has one thing there’s no way you can get in a Casey Anthony book: laughs. Tons of them. There may be some grim tales, but you’ll still giggle like you’re in a blooper reel. And you can trust me: I’m not Casey Anthony.
But I do live in Orlando and may have been unknowingly been in the same room with Casey Anthony at some point….would that make you more interested? It would? Great! I’d love for this book to sell nicely. Then maybe I won’t have to not climb Mount Kilimanjaro. 
Casey caricature by Plinio M. Pinto for  The Orlando Weekly. See more of Plinio Pinto's work at Grape Soda Studio Inc.


  1. Well, salve your literary wounds with this: You've got more books in you. Jeff Ashton doesn't. Keep punching...

  2. I have read every syllable, including the endnotes, and can quite agree with Liz's review. It's hugely entertaining and informative, and will help you see why it makes more sense to go out and do some constructive bowling rather than sitting at home waiting for HIM / HER to call...
    Enjoy !!!

  3. Other books by Liz Langley include:

    Almost a Brilliant Brain Surgeon

    My Trip to the Moon and Why I Ended Up Staying Home in a Snuggie, and

    I Coulda Lost the Casey Anthony Trial for a Lot Less Money


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