How did turtles get fossilized while mating? What is Mickey Mouse doing on Mercury? And what is that octopus doing to that dolphin?

Being a columnist is a great job but an odd one in that you're working every week with what the world gives can offer up rich, juicy controversies or nothing very much and in the latter case you're stuck making magic out of thin air, like one of those 50's house-wife dilemmas where they get a call from their husband saying he's invited the board of directors for dinner, it's 4:30 and all you have in the cabinet is capers and peanut butter.
This week there were so many weird, funny, appropriate, inappropriate and intriguing stories it was tough to choose which is especially great for me because it was kind of a sweeps week this week for my Alternet column Ten Mind Blowing Discoveries which includes....
A kind-of Facebook for tits (birds that is)....

Turtles having sex so good they were fossilized doin' it 47 million years ago....

An octopus that developed a perverse (but brief) attachment to a dolphin......

A potential vaccine against cocaine addiction....

That overweight and overpopulation amount to the same thing....

A Mickey Mouse head appearing on Mercury.....

Saturn's moon Titan as a potential "crucible for life".....

An artist's conception of what the anatomy of Lego people would look like....

Breast milk blocks the oral transmission of HIV in humanized mouse....

A brain receptor for aggression (that can be flipped off)...

And the power of suggestion (you love this column! you will share it with all your friends on all your social networks because they will love it!)


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