Singing penis, hearing feet: my latest weird animals on NatGeo!

Certainly humans have body parts with multiple uses. We use our hands to touch, to signal, even to literally speak. We use our tongues to taste, talk and mostly importantly, become really good kissers. Here are some other amazing animals and insects who have found more than one use for their body parts - Singing Penis, hearing feet, among nature's repurposed body parts - on National Geographic.

I have to add that when I did the story 7 Demonic Creatures - about animals that looked like they came straight from hell - I actually found the creatures quite beautiful though my photo editor said some of them would give her nightmares. On this round, though, that star-nosed mole....EEEEEEEEEEKKK! I'm sure it's a wonderful mole, good to its mother and a pillar of its community but there's something about that nose that makes me want to leave it at the door of the SyFy network, ring the bell and run. They could make it a star.


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