Shark, presumed extinct, found for sale in fish market

Who knew that marine researchers sometimes do research in fish markets? 

I had no idea but thought it was kind of thrilling, and perfectly logical: lots of fishing boats go out in a day and bring back lots of fish, so science researchers can see what's being hauled in off a particular coast and get an idea of what's there. In the case of one scientist doing research in Kuwait it turned out to be a shark no other scientist had seen for a hundred years.

You can see the whole spiffy story in Shark Species Thought To Be Extinct Turns Up in Fish Market on National Geographic.

Olympic level shoppers, take note: if you find yourself at an exotic market one day you may be able to use your discerning eye to suss out something a little unique about a particular offering and find something more meaningful out there than a a nice pair of slingback pumps (though the population of those in my closet are dangerously low and a privately subsidized expedition to Macy's would not go amiss). 


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