Sex Feed: Killer wedding, Weiner's wife, ladyboys and sex change surgery for kids in India

 What you might have missed this week on Sex Feed: Thai "ladyboys" need new ID cards (and will be the pride of one airline)NY officially recognizes gay couples as eligible for conjugal visits,  Sex Change Surgery on Kids in India,
Amy Poehler's Awesome Support for Planned Parenthood,
 Anthony Weiner's wife needs some time off...from work and from him...
and my personal favorite, two people up on murder charges in separate cases get married in jail in California.

That's so weird and so intriguing...I wish I'd gotten to talk to them (and their officiate) for my book Crazy Little Thing: Why Love and Sex Drive Us Mad (which is currently available for pre-order on Amazon if I haven't told you 856 times). Maybe it's time to start planning some sequels....Crazy Little Thing 2: Bride of Crazy. Er somethin. Have a great weekend!


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